Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Approaches Paper: The Wife of Bath Essay

Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) was an English author, poet, philosopher, courtier as well as a diplomat. Sometimes referred to as the father of English literature, the man is most famous for The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer’s major works also include the translation of Roman de la Rose; The Book of the Duchess; The House of Fame; Anelida and Arcite; The Parliament of Fowls; the translation of Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy as Boece; Troilus and Criseyde; The Legend of Good Women; and the Treatise on the Astrolabe (Geoffrey Chaucer, 2007). Being a well-rounded intellectual, Chaucer was aware of the gender stereotypes permeating his medieval society. As a matter of fact, men of the Middle Ages deeming marriage â€Å"a full great sacrament† took most seriously the woman’s promise â€Å"to honor and obey. † The slightest breach of this vow of obedience was hailed as a crying offense to both God and man. The principal vice of the medieval times was pride. Disobedience was but an offshoot of this self same vice. And so, obedience was due not only unto God and one’s parents, but, as the old phrase went, â€Å"to husbands and other benefactors and sovereigns. † Women were known to be subjected to men, and there was not as much thought poured over women’s equal right to manage affairs. Thus, we find in medieval literature instances such as the ones briefly touched on by Frederick Tupper (1968) in Types of Society in Medieval Literature: An old Parisian benedict of the fourteenth century, playing mentor to his young bride offsets Petrarch’s story of the obedient Griselda with the example of a wife rightly burned for the disobedience into which she was led by her pride – quite as CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 2 grievous an offense this, so he tells us many times, as the fault of Eve or of Lucifer. It was during this period that Chaucer chose to represent his woman in literature – the Wife of Bath – as an extraordinary lady who believed in subjecting her men to her desires. The lady is open to express her views about a different role that women can play despite the essential gender stereotypes of medieval society. The Wife of Bath has control of her husbands’ property, presumably acquired through successive marriage settlements. She therefore has no need to make efforts to please her mates, if such efforts would have given her greater authority over her men in terms of wealth or pleasure. According to her Prologue, her first three husbands had â€Å"bad luck in bed,† for which they are chided by her. The woman would demand payment in bed, in return for which she would make payment (sexually) of the marriage debt she owed them (Nelson, 2002). Knowing that all medieval women do not behave like her when it comes to controlling their husbands’ property or getting money out of them, the Wife of Bath is asking young girls to back out of marriage altogether. Why please a man when it is more fruitful over all to please and serve God? – is her final argument on the question of marriage. The Wife of Bath says that three of her husbands were good, and two were bad. The first three were rich, old, and submissive, although she tormented them with accusations that were total lies – she confesses to the rest of the pilgrims. She accused her husband of having an affair, for example, and then launched into a tirade in which she charged him with a bewildering array of accusations. If one of her husbands got drunk, the Wife of Bath claimed that every wife was out to destroy her husband in particular. She also made her husband feel guilty this way, and so CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 3 he gave her what she wanted. The Wife of Bath admits that she deliberately caused her husbands grief. She teased them in bed by refusing to give them full satisfaction until they had promised her money. She says that she made them work at night, in fact, to pay her marriage â€Å"dette. † What is more, the woman admits proudly that she used her verbal and sexual power to bring her husbands to total submission. In point of fact, the Wife of Bath uses the same tactic, i. e. , verbal power to bring the young knight to total submission in her Tale. She confesses in her Prologue that she failed to follow the marriage rule of â€Å"biheste is dette. † But when the young knight in her Tale is sentenced to death by King Arthur’s court for raping a defenseless young woman, his only chance to escape the penalty of execution is to find the answer to the question, ‘What do women want most? ’ The young man’s search for the answer is fruitless until he meets an old woman who promises to give him the answer if he would promise her, in return, to grant the request she makes of him. The rapist promises to keep his word, and after he has supplied Arthur’s queen with the answer that can save his life, the old woman asks him to marry her. In this case, as in the personal story of the Wife of Bath, the woman is subjecting the man unto herself by asking him to make a promise for something in return (Nelson). The Wife of Bath is knowledgeable enough to admit that more than a few Fathers of the Church, including the Apostle Paul, had proclaimed the importance of virginity. But if virginity was so critical, there would be someone still to produce virgins! Thus, she would leave virginity to the perfect, and allow herself instead to use her gifts as best as she could. Besides her use of intellect in marital affairs, undoubtedly the gift that she refers to is sexual power. She uses this power not only to enjoy her life to the full, but as an instrument to manipulate her men as well. CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 4 Patricia Clare Ingham (2002) calls the Wife of Bath one of the most ingenious readers in the history of literature, and sees the aggressive â€Å"re-reading of scripture† on the part of the Wife of Bath as a means of displaying and resisting the medieval anti-feminist tradition or misogyny. The Wife of Bath frequently misquotes the scriptures. Scholars believe that these â€Å"misreadings† of texts were a mark of political and cultural acuity on the part of the Wife of Bath, as these bad readings give us a clearer picture of the culture of the time and the medieval gender relations (Schibanoff, 1986). The Wife of Bath’s re-readings of scripture have additionally been referred to as a â€Å"utopian group fantasy,† whereby the women would direct themselves against the anti-feminist tradition of the time, which was actually a social institution that was neither necessary nor the only face of truth of the Middle Ages. This idea of â€Å"group† or sorority was, in fact, explored by Brian W. Gastle, who wrote that although it is difficult to prove that women had gathered forces to beat the odds, there may have been a sorority of this kind that functioned outside the boundaries set by the established guilds to which working women also belonged. The Wife of Bath, as we know, is into the cloth making business (Ingham). The lady blasts clerkly writers for their biased perspectives, and in so doing, activates the literary tradition for an entirely new set of social uses, such as understanding the importance of women. Her assessment of the politics of writing is interlinked with her representation of the politics of reading. She desires the production of an entirely different kind of literature, the kind that the feminist classroom would read. Her Tale is included in this category, of course, and it is revolutionary. Still, critics worry that the Wife of Bath may be strangely affirming masculine desire through her Tale. As Lynne Dickson (1993) puts it, the Tale may really â€Å"reward the CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 5 concession of masculine ‘maistrie’ with the very thing patriarchy wants to begin with. † The Tale is, after all, about a rapist knight who can turn magically into a dutiful husband; and about an aged lady who becomes a sweet young thing yet again; apart from an old middle-class woman, â€Å"comen of so lough a kynde,† who gains status and rule from her aristocrat husband. Most scholars have interpreted the Wife of Bath’s interest in sovereignty of wife over husband as an expression of her dissatisfaction over the rule of her nation. Sovereignty extends beyond the confines of the bourgeois household in this case, given that the Irish were concerned about sovereignty over a nation at the same time as Chaucer and his contemporaries were writing about sovereignty over a husband (Eisner, 1957). Indeed, there do appear to be political questions posed in the Wife of Bath’s Tale, especially when the recalcitrant knight objects to his marriage to the old lady, saying, â€Å"Alas, that any of my nacion/ sholde evere so foule disparaged be! † The old lady wonders aloud if the knight’s rejection comes through his subjection to the laws of the court: â€Å"Is this the lawe of Arthures hous? † she asks; â€Å"Is every knight of his so dangerous? † Only a lady of charisma, of great political insight coupled with leadership qualities, could have addressed intricacies of the political life of the nation at the time of the Wife of Bath when gender stereotypes were comprehensively controlled by the authorities, including the Church. The woman seems to know how to tackle legal terminology to boot (Ingham). She truly is remarkable for the Middle Ages, and deserves a continual round of applause from everyone today. CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 6 References 1. Dickson, Lynne. (1993). â€Å"Deflection in the Mirror: Feminine Discourse in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale. † SAC, 15, 1993, p. 61-90. 2. Eisner, Sigmund. (1957). A Tale of Wonder: A Source Study of the Wife of Bath’s Tale New York: Burt Franklin. 3. Geoffrey Chaucer. (2007). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Geoffrey_Chaucer. (24 February 2007). 4. Ingham, Patricia Clare. (2002). Pastoral Histories: Utopia, Conquest, and the Wife of Bath’s Tale. Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol. 44, Issue 1. 5. Nelson, Marie. (2002). Biheste Is Dette: Marriage Promises in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Papers on Language & Literature, Vol. 38, Issue 2, 2002, p. 167. 6. Schibanoff, Susan. (1986). â€Å"Taking the Gold out of Egypt: The Art of Reading as a Woman† In Gender and Reading: Essays on Readers, Texts and Contexts (Ed. Elizabeth Flynn and Patrocinio P. Schweickart). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. CRITICAL APPROACHES PAPER: THE WIFE OF BATH Page # 7 7. Tupper, Frederick. (1968). Types of Society in Medieval Literature New York: Biblo and Tannen.

Credit Creation

SANDHYA DWIVEDI ROLL NO: 60 SUBJECT: CENTRAL BANKING CREDIT CREATION AND MONEY SUPPLY PROJECT SUBMITTED TO PROF. RASHMI CREDIT CREATION Credit creation is one of the important functions of a commercial bank. It constitutes the major component of money supply in the economy commercial banks differs from other financial institutions in this aspect. Other financial institutions transfer money from the lenders to the borrowers. Commercial banks while performing the same function, they create credit or bank money also. Professor Sayers says, â€Å"Banks are not merely purveyors of money, but in an important sense, they are the manufacturers of money†. The process of credit creation occurs when banks accepts deposits and provide loans and advances. When the customers deposit money with the bank, they are called primary deposits. This money will not be withdrawn immediately by them. Hence banks keeps a certain amount of deposits as reserves which is known as cash reserve ratio and provide the balance amount as loans and advances. Thus, every deposit creates a loan. Commercial banks give loans and advances against some security to the public. But the bank does not give the loan amount directly. It opens an account in the name of the borrower and deposits the amount in that account. Thus, every loan creates a deposit. The loan amount can be withdrawn by means of checks. They create deposits while lending money also. These deposits created by banks with the help of primary deposits are called derivative deposits. Customers use these loans to make payments. While paying they issue a checks against these deposits. The person who receives the checks, deposit it in another bank. For that bank, this will be the primary deposit. A part of the deposit will be kept as a reserve and the balance will be used for giving loans and advances. This process is repeated by other banks. When all the banks involve in this process, it is called Multiple Credit Creation. This can be explained with an example. Suppose, if a person deposits Rs. 1,000/- in a bank. Rs. 1000/- is the primary deposit. The minimum cash reserves ratio is 10% to meet the demand of its depositors. Now the bank can lend out Rs. 900/- i. e. Primary deposit – Cash reserve = Derivative deposit. Rs. 1, 000 – Rs. 100 = Rs. 900 (10% of 1000 is Rs. 100) The bank will give the amount to his creditor only in his account which is opened in his name. The borrower can deposit the amount with the bank. The bank can lend out Rs. 810/- out of Rs. 900/-, which has come back to the bank in the second round as primary deposits. This process will continue and if there is no cash leakage the credit creation would be processed as in the below figure: [pic] This process can be explained with a formula. Total credit created = Original deposit x Credit multiplier co-efficient. Credit multiplier co-efficient = 1/CRR x 1/10% = 1/10/100 = 10 Total Credit created = 1000 x 10 = 10000 If CRR rises to 20%, the credit created will be 1/20/100 = 100/20 = 5 So 1000 x 5 = Rs. 5000/- It is clear, that the amount of credit created depends upon the cash reserve ratio. Higher the CRR, lesser will be the credit created and vice versa. Limitations: ? Credit creation depends upon the amount of deposits. ? There exists an inverse relation between credit creation and cash reserve ratio. During inflation the CRR will be high to reduce credit. ? Banking habits of the people are well developed; it will lead to expansion of credit. ? Loans are sanctioned by banks against some security. If enough securities are available, then credit creation will be more and vice versa. If all commercial banks, follows a uniform policy regarding CRR, this credit creation would be smooth. ? If the liquidity preference of the people is high, the credit creation will be less and vice versa. ? If business conditions are bright then demand for credit will be more. ? Customers should be willing to borrow from the banks to facilitate credit creation. ? Credit control policy of the Central Bank, for example during the depression, the RBI encourages the commercial banks to expand credit. CONCLUSION:- To conclude, we can say that credit creation by banks is one of the important & only sources to generate income. And when the reserve requirement increased by the central bank it would directly affect on the credit creation by bank because then the lendable funds with the bank decreases and vice versa. MONEY SUPPLY The total supply of money in circulation in a given country's economy at a given time. There are several measures for the money supply, such as M1, M2, and M3. The money supply is considered an important instrument for controlling inflation by those economists who say that growth in money supply will only lead to inflation if money demand is stable. In order to control the money supply, regulators have to decide which particular measure of the money supply to target. The broader the targeted measure, the more difficult it will be to control that particular target. However, targeting an unsuitable narrow money supply measure may lead to a situation where the total money supply in the country is not adequately controlled. In economics, money supply or money stock is the total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time. There are several ways to define â€Å"money,† but standard measures usually include currency in circulation and demand deposits. Money supply data are recorded and published, usually by the government or the central bank of the country. Public and private-sector analysts have long monitored changes in money supply because of its possible effects on the price level, inflation and the business cycle. That relation between money and prices is historically associated with the quantity theory of money. There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relation between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth. These underlie the current reliance on monetary policy as a means of controlling inflation. This causal chain is however contentious, with some heterodox economists arguing that the money supply is endogenous and that the sources of inflation must be found in the distributional structure of the economy. Purpose: Money supply data is recorded and published in order to monitor the growth of the money supply. Public- and private-sector analysts have long monitored this growth because of the effects that it is believed to have on real economic activity and on the price level. The money supply is considered an important instrument for controlling inflation by economists who say that growth in money supply will only lead to inflation if money demand is stable. Convention: Because (in principle) money is anything that can be used in settlement of a debt, there are varying measures of money supply. Since most modern economic systems are regulated by governments through monetary policy, the supply of money is broken down into types of money based on how much of an effect monetary policy can have on that type of money. Narrow money is the type of money that is more easily affected by monetary policy whereas broad money is more difficult to affect through monetary policy. Narrow money exists in smaller quantities while broad money exists in much larger quantities. Each type of money can be classified by placing it along a spectrum between narrow (easily affected) and broad (difficult to affect) money. The different types of money are typically classified as M's. The number of M's usually range from M0 (most narrow) to M3 (broadest) but which M's are actually used depends on the system. The typical layout for each of the M's is as follows: †¢ M0: Physical currency. A measure of the money supply which combines any liquid or cash assets held within a central bank and the amount of physical currency circulating in the economy. M0 (M-zero) is the most liquid measure of the money supply. It only includes cash or assets that could quickly be converted into currency. This measure is known as narrow money because it is the smallest measure of the money supply. †¢ M1: M0 + demand deposits, which are checking accounts. This is used as a measurement for economists trying to quantify the amount of money in circulation. The M1 is a very liquid measure of the money supply, as it contains cash and assets that can quickly be converted to currency. †¢ M2: M1 + small time deposits (less than $100,000), savings deposits, and non-institutional money-market funds. M2 is a broader classification of money than M1. Economists use M2 when looking to quantify the amount of money in circulation and trying to explain different economic monetary conditions. M2 is key economic indicator used to forecast inflation. M3: M2 + all large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, along with other larger liquid assets. The broadest measure of money; it is used by economists to estimate the entire supply of money within an economy. Fractional-reserve banking: The different forms of money in government money supply statistics arise from the practice of fractional-reserve banking. W henever a bank gives out a loan in a fractional-reserve banking system, a new type of money is created. This new type of money is what makes up the non-M0 components in the M1-M3 statistics. In short, there are two types of money in a fractional-reserve banking system: central bank money (physical currency) commercial bank money (money created through loans) – sometimes referred to as checkbook money. In the money supply statistics, central bank money is M0 while the commercial bank money is divided up into the M1-M3 components. Generally, the types of commercial bank money that tend to be valued at lower amounts are classified in the narrow category of M1 while the types of commercial bank money that tend to exist in larger amounts are categorized in M2 and M3, with M3 having the largest. The Reserve Bank of India defines the monetary aggregates as: †¢ Reserve Money (M0): Currency in circulation + Bankers’ deposits with the RBI + ‘Other’ deposits with the RBI = Net RBI credit to the Government + RBI credit to the commercial sector + RBI’s claims on banks + RBI’s net foreign assets + Government’s currency liabilities to the public – RBI’s net non-monetary liabilities. †¢ M1: Currency with the public + Deposit money of the public (Demand deposits with the banking system + ‘Other’ deposits with the RBI). †¢ M2: M1 + Savings deposits with Post office savings banks. M3: M1+ Time deposits with the banking system = Net bank credit to the Government + Bank credit to the commercial sector + Net foreign exchange assets of the banking sector + Government’s currency liabilities to the public – Net non-monetary liabilities of the banking sector (Other than Time Deposits). †¢ M4: M 3 + All deposits with post office savings banks (excluding National Savings Certificates). [pic] Link with inflation: Monetary exchange equation: Money supply is important because it is linked to inflation by the â€Å"monetary exchange equation†: MV = PQ †¢ M is the total dollars in the nation’s money supply †¢ V is the number of times per year each dollar is spent †¢ P is the average price of all the goods and services sold during the year †¢ Q is the quantity of goods and services sold during the year where: †¢ velocity = the number of times per year that money turns over in transactions for goods and services (if it is a number it is always simply nominal GDP / money supply) †¢ nominal GDP = real Gross Domestic Product ? GDP deflator †¢ GDP deflator = measure of inflation. Money supply may be less than or greater than the demand of money in the economy In other words, if the money supply grows faster than real GDP growth (described as â€Å"unproductive debt expansion†), inflation is likely to follow (â€Å"inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon†). This statement must be qualified slightly, due to changes in velocity. While the monetarists presume that velocity is relatively stable, in fact velocity exhibits variability at business-cycle frequencies, so that the velocity equation is not particularly useful as a short run tool. Moreover, in the US, velocity has grown at an average of slightly more than 1% a year between 1959 and 2005 (which is to be expected due to the increase in population, unless money supply grows very rapidly). Another aspect of money supply growth that has come under discussion since the collapse of the housing bubble in 2007 is the notion of â€Å"asset classes. † Economists have noted that M3 growth may not affect all assets equally. For example, following the stock market run up and then decline in 2001, home prices began an historically unusual climb that then dropped sharply in 2007. The dilemma for the Federal Reserve in regulating the money supply is that lowering interest rates to slow price declines in one asset class, e. g. real estate, may cause prices in other asset classes to rise, e. g. commodities. Percentage: In terms of percentage changes (to a small approximation, the percentage change in a product, say XY is equal to the sum of the percentage changes  %X +  %Y). So: %P +  %Y =  %M +  %V That equation rearranged gives the â€Å"basic inflation identity†: %P =  %M +  %V –  %Y Inflation (%P) is equal to the rate of money growth (%M), plus the change in velocity (%V), minus the rate of output growth (%Y). Bank reserves at central bank When a central bank is â€Å"easing†, it triggers an increase in money supply by purchasing government securities on the open market thus increasing available funds for private banks to loan through fractional-reserve banking (the issue of new money through loans) and thus grows the money supply. When the central bank is â€Å"tightening†, it slows the process of private bank issue by selling securities on the open market and pulling money (that could be loaned) out of the private banking sector. It reduces or increases the supply of short term government debt, and inversely increases or reduces the supply of lending funds and thereby the ability of private banks to issue new money through debt. Note that while the terms â€Å"easing† and â€Å"tightening† are commonly used to describe the central bank's stated interest rate policy, a central bank has the ability to influence the money supply in a much more direct fashion. Conclusion: Assuming that prices do not instantly adjust to equate supply and demand, one f the principal jobs of central banks is to ensure that aggregate (or overall) demand matches the potential supply of an economy. Central banks can do this because overall demand can be controlled by the money supply. By putting more money into circulation, the central bank can stimulate demand. By taking money out of circulation, the central bank can reduce demand. For instance, if there is an overall shortfall of demand relative to supply (that is, a gi ven economy can potentially produce more goods than consumers wish to buy) then some resources in the economy will be unemployed (i. . , there will be a recession). In this case the central bank can stimulate demand by increasing the money supply. In theory the extra demand will then lead to job creation for the unemployed resources (people, machines, land), leading back to full employment (more precisely, back to the natural rate of unemployment, which is basically determined by the amount of government regulation and is different in different countries). However, central banks have a difficult balancing act because, if they put too much money into circulation, demand will outstrip an economy's ability to supply so that, even when all resources are employed, demand still cannot be satisfied. In this case, unemployment will fall back to the natural rate and there will then be competition for the last remaining labor, leading to wage rises and inflation. This can then lead to another recession as the central bank takes money out of circulation (raising interest rates in the process) to try to damp down demand.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

9’Ms of Quality Essay

Different meaning could be attached to the word quality under different circumstances. The word quality does not mean the quality of manufactured product only. It may refer to the quality of the process (i.e., men, material, and machines) and even that of management. Where the quality manufactured product referred as or defined as â€Å"Quality of product as the degree in which it fulfills the requirement of the customer. It is not absolute but it judged or realized by comparing it with some standards†. Quality begins with the design of a product in accordance with the customer specification further it involved the established measurement standards, the use of proper material, selection of suitable manufacturing process etc., quality is a relative term and it is generally used with reference to the end use of the product. Crosby defined as â€Å"Quality is conformance to requirement or specifications†. Juran defined as â€Å"Quality is fitness for use†. â€Å"The Quality of a product or service is the fitness of that product or service for meeting or exceeding its intended use as required by the customer.† Fundamental Factors Affecting Quality The nine fundamental factors (9 M’s), which are affecting the quality of products and services, are: markets, money, management, men, motivation, materials, machines and mechanization. Modern information methods and mounting product requirements. 1.Market: Because of technology advancement, we could see many new products to satisfy customer wants. At the same time, the customer wants are also changing dynamically. So, it is the role of companies to identify needs and then meet it with existing technologies or by developing new technologies. 2.Money: The increased global competition necessitates huge outlays for new equipments and process. This should be rewarded by improved productivity. This is possible by minimizing quality costs associated with the maintenance and improvements of quality level. 3.Management: Because of the increased complex structure of business organization, the quality related responsibilities lie with persons at different levels in the organization. 4.Men: The rapid growth in technical knowledge leads to development of human resource with different specialization. This necessitates some groups like, system engineering group to integrate the idea of full specialization. 5.Motivation: If we fix the responsibility of achieving quality with each individual in the organization with proper motivation techniques, there will not be any problem in producing the designed quality products. 6.Materials: Selection of proper materials to meet the desired tolerance limit is also an important consideration. Quality attributes like, surface finish, strength, diameter etc., can be obtained by proper selection of material. 7.Machines and mechanization: In order to have quality products which will lead to higher productivity of any organization, we need to use advanced machines and mechanize various operations. 8.Modern information methods: The modern information methods help in storing and retrieving needed data for manufacturing, marketing and servicing. 9.Mounting product requirements: Product diversification to meet customers taste leads to intricacy in design, manufacturing and quality standards. Hence, companies should plan adequate system to tackle all these requirements.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Madoff LLC Fraud Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Madoff LLC Fraud - Research Paper Example The founder and the president of the company was Mr. Bernard Madoff who used to invest the money for the hedge funds, institutions and wealthy people. It has further been found that the company that had been based in New York was the 23rd biggest market maker in the month of October, 2008 on NASDAQ. It was evident that the company handled approximately 50 million shares per day. The main activity of the company has been to handle the orders that the online brokers belonging to a few of the biggest US companies used to make such as the Citigroup Inc. and General Electric. It is evident that the company has been the foremost to mechanize market-making. In this type of dealing, the dealer tends to incessantly buy the stocks and sell them as well. Madoff’s firm has also been the biggest to offer â€Å"payment for order flow† (Glovin & Scheer, 2011). Bernard Madoff never revealed his financial statements and kept back them under his safe custody. Further, it has been noted t hat Madoff has also been one of the active members of the NASDAQ Stock Market related board of governors as well as the member of NASDAQ’s executive committee and also had been the Chairman of trading committee. It has been evident that greater than 75% of the firm that has been owned by Bernard Madoff, along with Peter Madoff who is his brother; were the only two persons who were recognized on the regulatory records, being the direct owners and the executive officers. The other family members operating for Madoff has been Peter Madoff’s daughter named Shana working as compliance attorney. Sons of Bernard Madoff namely Mark and Andrew, and Charles Weiner were in the trading section. Andrew invested his funds in the company, however he was stopped from doing so by Mark in the year 2001 (Glovin & Scheer, 2011). The company made use of the numerous marketing tactics for the purpose of drawing the customers and thus stimulating a new era where electronic trading was of pri ority. The company has been a highly profitable security firm tapping enormous volume of the stock trades from the Big Boards. The company during its initial days used to deal with the Over-The-Counter along with Pure-Brokerage-Pink Sheets transactions. It was because of the Rule 390, the company was able to trade in NYSE stocks. For the purpose of altering the execution practices, the company had to utilize the Cincinnati Stock Exchange. It has been evident that among the five brokers, Madoff has been one of them who had been involved in the creation of the NASDAQ. It was noted that the company’s spread was quite sublime. It started as an investment advisory firm. It has been noted that the company had not been recorded in the stock exchanges till 2006. It can be stated that in terms of the US Securities by the year 2000, Madoff Securities had been successful at becoming the top traders and had in approximation $300 million of assets (De La Merced, 2008). Three floors were o ccupied by the business of Lipstick Building. The 17th floor belonging to Lipstick Building was office of Bernard Madoff that had in approximation of less than 24 of the staffs. It has been found that only a few of the employees were allowed to enter into that building. The floor was named as the hedge fund floor (Henriques & Berenson, 2008).  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Training Techniques of Staff in this Global Era Research Paper

The Training Techniques of Staff in this Global Era - Research Paper Example Organizations have adopted three recruitment and staffing strategies as they expand their operations to other countries and these approaches or strategies have been discussed below: 2.1. Ethnocentric strategy or Ethnocentric approach One of the approaches that organizations adapt to recruit and hire employees when expanding to other parts of the world is the ethnocentric approach. In this approach, the management fills the most important or managerial positions by bringing employees from the parent country. Such an approach is termed as the ethnocentric approach. One of the reasons for following such a strategy is that the organization would like to keep the same organizational culture even in another country. So, because of this reason, they would like to have employees from their own country rather than hiring the nationals (Boussebaa, and Morgan, 2008). 2.1.1. Positive of Ethnocentric approach One of the positives about the ethnocentric approach is that the company would be able t o maintain the same corporate or organizational culture regardless of the country in which it is operating. Also by hiring expatriates, the organization would be able to have experienced and skills employees at the topmost position and thus it can be helpful for the organization. 2.1.2. Challenges of Ethnocentric approach One of the major challenges that organizations following ethnocentric approach faces are cultural myopia. In other words, the organization will be having employees from its parent country and these employees might not be able to understand the cultural values of the national country. Therefore it might lead to cultural myopia and thus, the organization would suffer in the long run. There is another negative aspect regarding adapting ethnocentric approach is that as national employees would only be restricted to the lower level and would not be able to take on the managerial positions, therefore, they would not be motivated and thus, in the long run, their morale an d performance would hurt. In turn, this would influence the organizational productivity in the long run. The ethnocentric approach can be expensive as well because the organization would have to pay high compensation packages to the expatriates working in another country and this could influence the profitability of the company. 2.2. Polycentric approach The second approach that organizations use regarding hiring employees in another country is the polycentric approach. In this approach, the organization hires employees from the national country. Top management is also filled with people belonging to the national country. 2.2.1. Positive of Polycentric approach The positive aspect of the polycentric approach is that the company would not have to face the issue of cultural myopia as the Nationals would be aware of the cultural values of the society. Therefore strategies can be formulated accordingly.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Non Western Theatre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Non Western Theatre - Essay Example history before European countries invaded it and subjugated African nations as colonies, was little known largely because Africans merely improvised their performances without written scripts. Most information of African theater during this time can be gleaned only from the accounts of traders and missionaries and researches of them by scholars. It is not surprising that during the colonial period, the African theater was dominated by European performers who enacted their country’s own classic texts and who made schoolchildren perform them in schools. It was during the post-colonial period, in the 1960s for many African countries and in the 1990s by South Africa, that the African theater was wrested back by the Africans. However, all throughout the different periods and the different categories of African theater, one theme has always prevailed: African theater did not only serve the purpose of entertainment but had been the focal point which sustained African communities as p erformances were the reenactment of the villages’ ethos of the time. In the pre-colonial times, performances were an enactment of the superstitious beliefs of villages, i.e. driving away an evil spirit from the village, and in the post-colonial era, performances were staged first, as a protest against their colonizers and second, when they finally gained independence, as â€Å"critical watchdog† of their new governments.1 African Theater has always been ritualistic and today, traces of the ritualistic aspects still remain in the postcolonial theater. Rituals in â€Å"celebration of birth, marriage, puberty, planting, and harvesting, its epic story-telling tradition of praising heroic and communal achievements, and its visual and auditory spectacle provided by dance and music† are enacted on stage making African theater largely functional. It is said that theaters in general are rooted in ritual, seasonal rhythms, religion and communication but the great distinction between European theater

Friday, July 26, 2019

INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING - Essay Example However, adopting IFRS itself may not always result in increasing the quality of financial information. In addition to adopting IFRS several relevant changes in the overall economic and institutional framework need to be implemented to achieve the enhanced quality financial reporting. Further, before implementing IFRS fully to all countries, an international consensus taking into account of the country specificities needs to be obtained regarding the treatment of various financial instruments and various accounting procedures .This is needed to implement IFRS without affecting the information provided by the financial statements of enterprises Financial Statements of an enterprise are intended to give valuable information about the financial health of the company to its owner investors and lenders (Tracy, 2004).In other words, they are supposed to give information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of the enterprise. These are a major source of financial information that helps the users in making decisions about economic activities. Thus according to IASC(1989,paragraph 12), â€Å"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.† On the other hand, it is argued that the preparers of the financial statements can manipulate the financial statements by the transformation of financial accounting figures from what they actually are to what preparers desire by taking advantage of the existing rules and/or ignoring some or all of them (Nasar, 1993:2). It may not be illegal in all cases but they are considered as unethical (Amt et al, 1999). This process is called creative accounting. The inappropriate use of creative accounting has resulted into financial statement frauds in many cases, which has been an issue of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

International Business - Essay Example In the year 2008, more than 1 million people acquired certification in IELTS (IELTS Press Release, 2008). Every year, more than 2 million people hailing from nearly 135 countries appear for IELTS (IELTS Press Release, 2008). Amongst them, a vast number of candidates happen to be from India. With the opening up of economy and the onset of globalization, every year a vast number of Indian citizens, aspiring to study or immigrate abroad, appear for IELTS (McDaniel, 2004). Considering the fact that a majority of these candidates give great importance to this test, owing to its pivotal role in the achievement of their career goals, setting up a chain of IELTS coaching centers in India stands to be a very positive business proposition. A majority of the employees recruited for this venture will be Indians. This is because they are apt to possess the local cultural competencies, which will go well with the Indian customers. Hence, awareness of cultural dimensions and characteristics will play a pivotal role in the chalking out of an effective business strategy in India. However, as IELTS is a test with an international appeal, care will be taken to introduce at least one native English speaking teacher at each center. The planning and administration will be such as to show sensitivity for the cultural norms and values of the Indian employees and customers. Specific effort will be made to make decisions guided by the insights gained into the values and attitudes of Indian employees. Locations: Due to strategic reasons, the first five coaching centers will be started at New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Chandigarh. The reason is that these cities stand to be urban and economic hubs in India. The employees here will be more likely to be open to cultural convergence. The value system of administrators and employees recruited from these places are more probable to be in consonance with global values and norms. They will be more willing to customize their

Write a summary on the short story the necklace Essay

Write a summary on the short story the necklace - Essay Example She hates her world of â€Å"poverty† and its â€Å"worn walls† and yearns for â€Å"large parlors, decked with old silk†¦coquettish little rooms, perfumed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  These are opposing images that describe the life that Mathilde has and the life she would have rather wanted for herself. Because of what she thinks she is born for, she has become a discontented woman. Furthermore, the necklace is a social status symbol. It stands for the social class that Mathilde wanted to climb, but failed to do so. Mathilde has too much pride; she believes herself to be superior to her social class. Her thoughts are devoted to the notion that she should be â€Å"envied,† â€Å"seductive† and â€Å"sought after.† de Maupassant employs dramatic irony to foreshadow the inevitability of Mathilde’s great loss, when Mme. Forester easily lends her a supposedly-expensive necklace. Somehow, this already points out that the necklace might not be that expensive after all. Still, Mathilde has chosen that necklace precisely because it fits the self-importance she has attached herself to. Mathilde paid a heavy literal and figurative price for her materialism. She is immersed in dreams of grandeur and a better life, a life of parties and luxurious material possessions. When she gets invited to a grand party, she wants a new dress, even if they can hardly afford it, and even borrows a diamond necklace, without thinking of the risks involved. When she loses the necklace, she almost loses her mind. She and her husband bought a new one to replace the lost necklace. From here, Mathilde learns â€Å"rough work of the household, the odious labors of the kitchen.† Situational irony is shown here, because Mathilde only wanted to be beautiful and sought after for one night, but she paid for this night with ten years of hard work that reduced her physical beauty. Hence, she paid a literal and figurative cost for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

HSM Performance Optimization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words - 1

HSM Performance Optimization - Essay Example Based upon the expected performance demands, this thesis proposes an optimized HSM solution to address the identified performance gap between what is required and what current HSMs can provide. The thesis describes tests and performance measurements that can be used to optimize applications of the proposed solution for HSM (or similar) devices. Security Assertion Markup Language - Is an XML-based open standard data format for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. I pass my gratitude to Professor XXXX who worked tirelessly to see me through the entire degree project process. The company supervisor, CCCC, also deserves a pat on their back for his counsel and guidance during the design period. Finally, my family has been with me from the start to the end. There is no other way to say thank you, but I am sincerely grateful. A study of the e-ID system was started by the Swedish government on 17th June 2010 and the complete report of this research was published on December 2010. The report identified a solution for which an Agency under the Ministry of Enterprise was established starting of 1 January 2011[2]. The acquisition of operations, management of metadata records of all members, guide service, and the test federation associated with a Swedish Federation of e-identification providers was initiated with it first phase in 2013. The request for quotation process ended with only a single quote (from Cybercom Sweden AB), hence this firm eventually got the contract. The operation of a centralized signature service was initiated in 2014.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Comparative Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative Advertising - Essay Example All comparative advertising is designed to highlight the advantages of the goods or services offered by the advertiser as opposed to those of a competitor. In order to achieve this objective, the message of the advertisement must necessarily underlie the differences between the goods and services compared by describing their main characteristics. The comparison made by the advertiser will necessarily flow from such a description. The rules on competitive advertising are defined by statutory law, in specific rules, in addition to the general rules on unfair competition. Main rules belong to advertising law, but they are in strong competition with the competition law rules. Interests of competitors as well as those of consumers are protected by both Acts. Before October 1994 there were various laws in the UK restricting comparative advertising, thought not prohibiting it per se. For example, the use of a trade mark registered in Part A of the trade Marks Register by a third party in it s advertising constituted trade mark infringement under section 4 (1) (b) of the Trade Marks Act 1938, regardless of the content of the advertising. The 1990 White Paper, Reform of Trade Mark Law, noted that public opinion towards comparative advertising had changed, but that it was unacceptable to allow an advertiser to ride on the back of a competitors trade mark. mark. 2Section 4 (1) (b) of the 1938 Act was replaced by the new Act by section 10 (6), which aims to strike a balance between the interests of consumers in being informed by one manufacturer about the products of another and the interests of proprietors of trade marks in protecting their brands from competitors emphasizing features of the trade marked product of service which are not to their advantage. The section states: Nothing in the preceding provisions of this section shall be construed as preventing the use of registered trade marks by any person for the purpose of identifying goods and services as those of the proprietor or licensee. But any such use otherwise than in accordance with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters shall be treated as infringing the registered trade mark if the use without due cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the trade mark. The UK courts are guided by the stipulations in section 10 (6) and are prone to give particular judicial credence and review to specific aspects as it relates to conformity: (a) honest practices in industrial and commercial matters (b) without due cause to take unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the trade market. The courts have analyzed section 10 (6) and concluded that an infringement must satisfy both a & b as stated. Which is to say, it must be in contrary to a reasonable standard of what constitutes honest practices in industrial and commercial matters and without due cause. Take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the mark. The court was requested to rule on an infringement complaint in Barclays Bank3 Ptc v. RBS Advanta (1997). In an action seeking interim

Monday, July 22, 2019

PE lessons a week Essay Example for Free

PE lessons a week Essay Along with the need explained above Lucy will need other needs as she is a child. Lucy is growing and developing her Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and social needs all the time. Due to this Lucy will need health care needs as she will need Jabs from the doctors as she will need to be protected against diseases and illnesses. The school achieve this need of Lucys the school have school nurses which give the jabs to the children. Also they help her stay healthy as they make sure they are healthy in the lunches they provide and have a balanced diet, do regular exercise and have a good hygiene. They also provide warmth for the children. They make sure that she is healthy and has a balanced diet they have school dinners which are healthy. They also provide health school dinners because a child needs to have food as it will help her brain to function well and learn properly. They provide these children with fruits at break time and healthy sandwiches and soups and rice and curry for lunchtime. It is important that Lucy gets some food like vegetables and fruits. They make sure that they have regular exercise the children have one or two PE lessons a week so they will be exercising at school even if they dont exercise at home. They also help them to keep fit because they have two playtimes and one lunchtime a day. During these times the children will be running around the playground and playing with toys and skipping ropes so they will be exercising their muscles. They provide good hygiene as they provide the use of clean toilets for the children to access. They also provide cleans clothes for the children when they urinate themselves or other accidents occur. These services helps Lucy physically as she will be active all the time and will be normal size and not overweight or obese. These services also help Lucy to build her stamina, suppleness and her strength so she is fitter than usual. It will help her intellectually as she is provided with education and experiences on new things everyday. It also helps her intellectually as she will be learning new skills and the main thing a new language which is the most important thing in her life. It will help Lucy emotionally as she will feel better about herself as she knows that people are there for her whenever she needs it. It will make her socially as she will have friends. The subject that Lucy learns at school that helps her with her intellectual needs are: * Mathematics: the teacher teaches mathematics to the students and to the students as she uses blocks and large numbers to help them understand with what they are learning for learners who are visual. She also writes the solutions on the board so they can also see it and check their answers with the ones on the board. * Science: they are taught science through little object which represent the topics that they are studying. They also get A3 sheets of paper which have some objects and word on them and the pupils have to match them. The teacher also uses worksheets and performs activities with them to help them understand in depth. * Literacy: they are taught literacy as the teacher reads to the children and then they are asked to answer questions on the story that the teacher has read out to them to see how much of the story they have understood. * Art: the teacher teaches them art mainly through making them draw pictures and paint them. The teacher also give the children printed versions of picture and make them colour inside the lines to make sure that they are neat. The developmental needs that Lucy will have are new experiences, education and books. The placement meets Lucys need about new experiences as they provide Lucy with different types of environment throughout the school year. They also take the children to trips where they learn about different places and their related topics. They provide education as Lucy is taught everyday in school and also sets reading tasks for Lucy to carry out at home with her parents. The provide books for the children as they provide free reading books for the children and free exercise books for the children to write on. They also provide free pens, pencils, and other equipment to do with art.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Different Marketing Plane Of Cadbury

Different Marketing Plane Of Cadbury The main aim of this assignment is to analyse, describe, introduce Cadbury company in Indian and international market as a leading chocolate brand but main focus on Indian market. This summary elaborate all about Cadburys marketing plans that how they design successful marketing. marketing strategy that they describe how maximize product manufacturing efficiency with minimization malfunctioning and what ideas behind developing market, media technology that describe why how important role in advertising, manufacturing process goods delivery, product promotion this impact regard with current and future marketing objective to create customer vale in the market. TABLE OF CONTENTS SR. NO. TOPIC DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 01 CADBURYS MARKETING PLAN 03-06 CURRENT MARKET SITUATION 03 OBJECTIVE OF CADBURY 03 OPPORTUNITY OF CADBURY 04 MARKETING STRATEGY 04-05 FINANCIAL CONDITION 06 IMPLIMANTATION AND CONTROL OF CADBURY MARKET 06 02 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT OF CADBURY COMPANY ON THE BASIS OF; 07-10 INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT 07 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT (microenvironment and macro environment) 07-10 MARKETING MIX 10 03 TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA IMPACT ON CADBURY COMPANY 11-13 INNOVATIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESS 11 DIFFERENT ADVERTISMENT SOURCE 12-13 04 CADBURY FUTURE MARKETING STRATEGY 14-16 FUTURE MARKETING 14 FUTURE DEVELOPING PLANING ON THE BASIS OF MARKETING STRATEGY 15-16 05 REFERENCES 16 06 APPENDIX PART A Q.1). Using academic learning briefly outlines a marketing plan for an organisation of your choice. Situation of current market Cadbury company is second more demanding company of chocolate in the market. It has largest share price in Indian market that is near about 75 percent of total market share, which indicate customers attraction in its product which easily available in the market. The idea behind this situation is its affordable price of product with more customer satisfaction as compare with other competitor like AMUL, NESTLE etc., (kotler, 34 cadbury) Analyse of opportunity and issue In the Indian market Cadbury company has following SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats) that analysis opportunity; Strength High market share value due to large business in Indian market as well as international market. Strong brand reputation in the Indian market, so company has good position in the market. Cadburys target market is large which is very wide in its same field market. weakness Fears about product demand fulfil or satisfy because it has large target market population. Less growth rate due to less production capacity that means not able to match rate of demand of product in the market. Delay in new quality product launch in the market due to this sometime get negative impact in the market. Opportunity Cadbury company is well stabilised company, so it has opportunity to develop its product with less competitiveness whereas, other new company can face more difficulty with more competitive for brand and product establishment. Cadbury company has tremendous marketing strategy in Indian market so by which it can use for develop new product with accreting growth rate. Threats Threat during new brand launch with same product, in the market. Threat with increasing market competition within same field. Threat with change in government rules and regulation for the company. Objective of plan Cadbury company has main objective to launch successful product in the market with specified time period. It apply effective marketing strategy to perform target objective plan, apart from this, it also apply ecommerce strategy for analyzing product performance growth or financial condition of the market. Cadbury company aware about marketing condition regarding their product and always try to give more quality product in the market and get more financial budget. Marketing strategy Marketing strategy is very much related with marketing objective. Marketing strategy is basically describe logic (thinking) of manager by which company create and achieve customer and relationships respectively. This is very useful for achieving accomplish target market. Below are some marketing strategy points which is use by the Cadbury company; Customer satisfaction Cadbury Company has first motive of customer satisfaction by their product that are related with best quality, design of product and cost (high or low) of product depend upon consumer. Market categories (segmentation) and targeting Cadbury is confectionaries company so its market segment basically realize on children, adult and on female population due to wide consumption source of chocolate. It has also target to expand market in rural areas. There are different types of customer and their different need. So Cadbury Company classified the customers need or requirement on the basis of different chocolate category like geographic ( moulded milk, wafer category) and demographic that is given below. Demographics classify on the basis of domestic (Indian city) as well as international. Platinum Tier I cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and also in International market. Gold Tier II cities such as Pune, Coimbatore also in international market. Silver Tier III cities Rest of urban India Market position The position based on customer need and expectations. Cadbury prefer ladder theory for determine position in the market and identify customer need and then they will target. The customer need is divided into three parts. The Base Focus on the product attributes. The Middle Focus on the functional benefits of the product. The Upper Focus on the emotional benefit obtained from using the product. Fig 1. STP implementation for a produc Fig.1. STP implementation for a product Fig 1 shows the steps of Cadbury Company that need to adopt the target, segments and position to take the market. Based on this Cadbury has positioned itself to capture the Indian market. Financial condition Before start the new project, every organisation keep focus on budget. Now, this time Cadbury market is very strong (market share value customer support) as compare with any other which has same field competitor. In order to improve sales Cadbury is currently focusing its marketing efforts mainly on the Titanium and Gold cities where they hold a market share of 60%-70 %. Implementation control of Cadbury market During implementation of project Cadbury company recommend some control to achieve successful market and keep company more demanding. It take 4 to 5 months time duration for monitoring performance of its product in the market. It always keep focus on profits and effective solution of it. Cadbury company has wide range of distribution centre so it is able to increase its efficiency during new product launch or any other occasions. It modified and control its product and product manufacturing process as per demand by market and end customers. (reference by book kotler PART B Q.2). Critically evaluates your chosen organisations marketing plan, in particular relation to its marketing environment. Environment Analysis or Marketing Environment of the CADBURY Factor or Elements that affect the environment of Cadbury industry. Internal customer play essential role in developing company market with full potential and satisfy end customer by its product. The marketing environment is changing at the fast rate. Generally, there are two types of Environment Analysis recommend by Cadbury company. Following are two types, This analysis based on, Cadburys Microenvironment (customers, competitors, distributors, and suppliers) that affect its ability to earn profits. and Cadburys Macro environment forces (demographic, economic, technological, political-legal, and social-cultural). Customer /Vendor Cadbury marketing and customer around the world i.e. Domestic market (India) as well as International market or customer/ vendor; AFRICA:- Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa ASIA :- India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mongolia, Malaysia, Yemen, Cambodia Myanmar AMERICA:- Peru Chile, Brazil, USA EUROSIA / EUROPE:- CIS-Russia, UK (England and Wales). And other. Distribution / Logistics Cadbury also has one of the largest logistic networks distribution set up in India covering each and every state. Cadbury distributes its products through 20 depots and 4 C F agents and a network of 5500 stockists. Cadbury covers almost 40% of retail chocolate in India. One of the largest chocolate distribution setup in India. Covering the entire geography of the country. Competition/ competitors In India Cadbury has many comparator like Nestle, Amul, Parle etc. they are also good in the market and give fight competition in the market. Cadbury industry has advantage in brand vale, valuable market share and well developed products. Cadbury competition can happen at different levels. At the brand level, two firms compete in providing a very similar product or service. Cadbury Brand Image; Cadbury name is enough for its popularity. Comparison based on various parameters like branding, awareness, performance, presence, etc. with an international market. CDM INTERNATIONAL BRANDS Fig2. Brand Image: Cadbury v/s International Brands This fig2. shows that CDM (Cadbury dairy milk) has been successful in capturing the hearts of their customers with their marketing campaign so far. Demographic environment (explosive population growth) In the demographic environment, Cadbury organisation always keep attention on his market position and also aware of worldwide population growth, related with different cities, region, nation and try to fulfil all requirement by ethical source. Economic Cycles and Inflation Cadbury economic forces strongly affect firms and their customers; Cadburys enjoys a market share of 72% in Indian market and up to 82%of annual saving from current market. Cadbury invest up to Rs 15 crore (Rs 150 million) on imported machinery to achieve quality product so that get more benefit form market. Cadburys innovate new packaging style of Dairy Milk with economical acceptance without any compromise in its product, so that Cadbury market get inflate. In the economic arena, Cadbury keep to focus on income distribution and levels of savings, debt, and credit availability. Political Legal support Cadbury industry have vital link with leaders and politician to get more advantage in business market environment, they have a strong economic rate in domestic market due to government reorganisation. for this sometime get more benefits that the industry get more enhance profits. Cadbury firm always follow the rules of government and maintain, all requirement like plantation in campus and many more and implement new law by the courts. Social-cultural This part is very much familiar with Cadbury organisation because its main root in India, As we know India is festival country where many religious festivals celebrate every year and such type of occasion, verities of sweets and chocolates are sell, in also many other function like birthday, social party. So, in social culture occasion (arena), Cadbury Company understands customers special need and provide (launch) effective quality product in the market. (kotler 95, Cadbury) Natural environment In the natural environment, Cadbury industry aware about raw-materials shortages, increased energy costs and pollution levels, and the changing role of governments in environmental protection. (kotler 95, 102 , Cadbury ) Technological environment Cadbury Company recommends innovative technologies in business to get enhance profit as an accelerating rate. They have automation based manufacturing unit to get more production in less time with higher quality. Cadbury prefer ISI and ISO satisfied machinery. All area having Wi-Fi facilities to share or distribute information to each other. Cadbury IT sector is one of the best in his field. (kotler 95, cadbury) MARKETING MIX OF CADBURY Eclairs is one of the famous product of Cadbury Company, the reason of this product famous is its quality that very much acceptable with cost and cannot be comparable with some other brand, test that cannot be forgettable, attractive packaging with attractive designing wrapper, acceptable quantity size with reasonable price. Eclairss publicity is very attractive way, which is by personal relation, sale promotion and TV advertisement which is in any place like home, street, local bus, train, etc. that is not more expensive so cost of Eclairs is not high as comparable with other company. Cadbury chocolate should be in every pocket is a main target of Cadbury company. (Marketing management, by Philip kotler, page no 12, 13) PART C Q.3). Identify and evaluate how technology and new media could impact the firms future marketing plans. Technology impact for the Cadbury company Cadbury Company adopts innovative technology by customers, markets, and suppliers demand to unify and modified business and business strategy (it is planning by manager that can reduce complexity and make planning for future development) respectively. Technology implementations provide productivity increases during manufacturing with the help of innovative or modified instrumentation and machinery and also provide against malfunctioning. protect data against unsecure threat which can never accepted by Cadbury company, and more benefits to the Cadbury organisation in different area like create new product by customer demand and take more than acceptable benefits, Cadbury use reposition method to protect market share against competition. They use technology to provide cost reduction production by automation process with high accuracy and more perfection in quality product, and also use for innovative delivery that related with fast and time management delivery as per consumer demand. C adbury accept wide range of technology like PLC (programmable logic control), SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), and DCS (distributed control system) for minimization in malfunctioning during manufacturing of product this control system also provide successful and perfection rapper of the product. They also prefer technology that enable time to time information sharing with employee, improve communication between members, and all process should be easy to execute without taking any risk. Cadbury Company has wide range of information technology system by that they are able to keep all information about all loyal/ existing customers and all new customers. Media impact for the Cadbury Company In Cadbury company media technology play very vital role for marketing communication by which they attempt to inform and persuade customer or consumers directly as well as indirectly about their products and brand with the help of media. In an indirect marketing Cadbury prefer word of mouth system in this way, people to people or customer to customer oral and written communication. In a direct marketing Cadbury prefer Personal selling system in this way, Cadbury representative make face to face interaction with one or more purchasers for the purpose of making presentation and procuring orders. Innovative Technological market system, Cadbury give first preference of this media technique for marketing advertisement that this direct marketing system to improve their marketing by use of electronic shopping, TV shopping, telephone, fax, e-mail or internet to communicate directly with solicit to his customer. Public relations and publicity system, Cadbury recommend this system to promote his particular products by the arrange of seminars, speeches, and banners decoration in famous stores or shops (super markets) and famous street etc. Cadbury company promote his particular brand product with the help of sponsors during special occasion or events like sports (cricket, football, etc.), entertainment (TV shows), festivals, etc. They also recommend promotion of his product by sales promotion like fair trade, demonstration, etc. So advertisement is main tools for Cadbury Company to promote his brand image to all over the world. Media is source by that company can reach to the customer and customer can get all information about selected company, so media provide strong relationship between company and customer. Media play an effective role for developing Cadbury market. Cadbury Company advertises their product promotion by cartoon picture and famous celebrities like film actor or sports player, these advertisements categorise between children to adult respectively. In different segment they are use emotional line based on major themes, during media advertisement. For examples; Chocolates for all, children to adult and theme is Cadbury as a perfect expression of love. Chocolates for all events and theme is real test of life. Chocolate for special occasion and themes is I will do anything for Cadbury dairy milk. Chocolate for any time and theme (in Hindi) is kuch meetha ho jaye The main strategy behind these above themes is to replace sweets as a chocolate and create brand image to get the strong position in the market by the media advertisement depicting. Cadbury industry has specified cities categories for a media advertisement like, Tier 1 Tier 2 (domestic cities), Tier 3 Tier 4 (international cities). So, media technology both are primary need to the development of Cadbury industry in future market because time to time continuously change in customer demand is major problems and this problem only resolved by adopt changing technology at time to time in the future market due to customer satisfaction is main motto of Cadbury industry. Indeed; media tools is superior power tools with technology support by that Cadbury market can get positive impact and more benefits in future marketing. Fig.3 Advertisement area of Cadbury company (reference by book kotler PART D Q.4). Discuss sustainability with regard to the firms marketing strategy, in particular how it might affect the firms reputation in the future. Cadbury company change their strategy at time to time depend on customer demand and market condition. It always developing decision to create new product with grantable profits together with company. Following are the some market strategies which are recommended by Cadbury Company; Increase in international market setup to expand marketing business globally get more sales of the product and brand publicity. Plan to expand business as in marketspace (digital i.e. shopping by internet) and also in marketplace (physical i.e. shopping in store). Generally their more concentration on e-commerce business regarding future marketing. E-commerce business is nothing but it is on-line market which are prefer by more urban area customers and sometime rural area customer also take advantage in this innovative marketing strategy, this is time saving strategy, this is more valuable because todays customer has no time for shopping, so this modern era is very effective. In this type of marketing there is no requiring more space and big office, only need for computers and internet connection. The main goal of this strategy is to provide enhance business marketing with customers valuable feedback. This marketing always cheaper than store market price. It always intend to care about customer satisfaction and there value of the money so they always keep focus and provide cost effective and benefit considerable product in the market. Cadbury company also offering exchange marketing strategy by that customer can get benefits with new product by exchange with old product, example old or expiry date chocolate replace with new fresh chocolate. Price reduction strategy without affecting quality is the main concern factor and that can be happen by the new offers, discount and implement nearest logistics and distribution centre. They has modified distribution centre with technological effect by that customer or logistics can communicate information about product go to the market easily without any barrier. The idea behind this communication is to provide chocolate more social cultural product in the market. Cadbury organisation has special team for market inspection that they always try to find weakness (linkage in packaging, numbers of bytes are broken, not able to stay long in outer environments) in the product and their remedies. So that customers get much more quality product from Cadbury company. The new ideas come through customer suggestion response in that they describe problems regarding product so that Cadbury Company gives first customer priority. Apart from customer suggestion Cadbury also follow opinion from scientist, media agencies, etc. New product (develop variety of different flavour chocolate) creation is one of the best strategy parts of Cadbury organisation as in the developing edge because new products create new market that allow to Cadbury company enter established strong market and provide cost reduction on new product. They have separate team work, which is only consider and search children demand and test because children like most chocolate. The future strategy against competitor is main aim of Cadbury company, to improve their performance better than other organisation by their perfection in quality product, reasonable price of the product, promotion as high as possible with technological innovative media, services that should never down in the future, response speed more higher than other company or organisation during goods delivery, high level of duties during any complain from customers. They strategy also aware about market share value that depend on separate area and they wish to increase market share value in future that are depend on urban and rural area where crowd, child young youth population is high. Generally these people recommend brand position with quality so Cadbury Company intend to expand brand position quality in the market with some offers gifting process. The above descriptions illustrate the future strategy and how effect improvement in future marketing operation profit of the Cadbury Company. The same time management also perform their role that check inner firm environment condition i.e. relation between employee or staff his working performance, focus on business strength, focus on product weakness, financial, share price and manufacturing condition and outer firm environment i.e. market condition, customer attraction, etc. indeed Cadburys management department duly concerned there place about chocolate in globally market place. They aim is to find opportunity in international market with above strategy through higher quality, better service, lower price, higher market share, continuous product variation improvement, regular product innovation, entering high growth markets and more customer expectation to make brand more demanded. (reference by book kotler

French Essays French Society

French Essays French Society ‘Les liaisons dangereuses’ and the position of women in eighteenth-century french society.   Abstract This research analyses in depth Les Liaison Dangereuses by Pierre Ambrose Choderlos de Laclos, paying a particular attention to the emancipatory subtext of the novel in regard to the position of women in eighteenth-century French society. The received results reveal that Laclos rises against the subordinate position of women and considers that it is crucial to provide women with freedom. However, the writer demonstrates that freedom without appropriate education and true morality can result in many negative consequences. Applying to different characters and different liaisons, Laclos reflects the conflicts between two opposite sexes that occur because of the wish of both males and females to occupy superior positions in French society. In this regard, some findings of this research are consistent with the results received in earlier studies and critical analyses on Laclos’ novel, while other findings oppose to them.   Ã‚   1 Statement of the problem Eighteenth-century France experienced rather complex gender tensions, as, on the one hand, the period of Enlightenment and the French Revolution gave rise to the ideas of liberty and equality between men and women, but, on the other hand, women were still associated with the position of a mother and a wife, restricting their participation in other spheres of social and political life. However, despite such stereotypic vision on females, some philosophers and writers of that era opposed to this perception of women, applying to a certain emancipatory subtext in their literary works. Pierre Ambrose Choderlos de Laclos belongs to such French writers; in his well-known novel Les Liaison Dangereuses he criticises education of women in eighteenth-century France and uncovers the inferior position of women in those times. Laclos is one of the first authors who manage to express his views on the failed social system that inspires the conflicts between two opposite sexes. 2 Introduction Pierre Ambrose Choderlos de Laclos (1741 – 1803), a general of Napoleon and the secretary of the Duc d’Orleans, was born in a rather noble family and devoted his life to a military career. However, at the age of forty, Laclos became a revolutionary and feminist writer, having written only two literary works that were both admired and criticised in his times. He met his future wife Marie-Soulange Duperrà © in 1783 and soon married her. Laclos became the member of the Club of the Jacobins in 1790 and was even imprisoned for his political activity. Pierre Choderlos de Laclos was greatly influenced by the works of Jean-Jacque Rousseau, especially by his epistolary novel Nouvelle Hà ©loise; and this influence is obvious in both of Laclos’ works L’Education des Femmes and Les Liaison Dangereuses. But it was the novel Les Liaison Dangereuses that brought popularity to Laclos, as well as social rejection, because this literary work appeared to be â€Å"a portra it of an age whose tragedy lies in the waste of its great gifts†1. The eighteenth century was the period of Libertinage in France, when some people rejected all social norms and struggled for free will. These libertines eliminated emotions and pointed at the necessity of intelligence. Libertinage was supported by the regent Philippe of Orleans who substituted religion and virtues for freedom and vice. However, this was also a period of female subordination, that’s why libertines were mainly males, because women, due to their poor education, were considered as unfit for any display of free will. They were regarded as inferior to men, because their intellectual abilities were reduced only to the domestic sphere. As a result, women were psychologically destroyed creatures that were controlled and manipulated by males in French patriarchal world. These females were deprived of any possibility to take part in political, military or cultural life of society. But Laclos destroys these stereotypes in his epistolary novel Les Liaison Dangereuses, demo nstrating that not only males, but females as well may be libertines. The writer is not satisfied with the treatment of women in his times; thus his motives in writing L’Education des Femmes and Les Liaison Dangereuses can be explained by Laclos’ wish to protect women from men by means of female independence. However, Laclos considers that female freedom is both good and dangerous, because society, in which a woman lives, is too false and preoccupied with wrong stereotypes. Although the writer points at the necessity of education for a woman, he believes that good education will help her in her private life rather than inspire a female to utilise her freedom for any other activity. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the extent of the emancipatory subtext concerning the position of women in eighteenth-century French society in Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’ novel Les Liaison Dangereuses. The research paper is divided into several sections. Chapter 1 reveals a statement of the problem that points at the problematic of the conducted analysis. Chapter 2 demonstrates a general overview of the issue, evaluating the social and political contexts and Laclos’ motivations for the utilisation of emancipatory elements in his literary works. Chapter 3 observes the opinions of various critics on Les Liaison Dangereuses. Chapter 4 points at the theoretical research methods that are applied for the research. Chapter 5 provides a profound investigation of the emancipatory subtext in Laclos’ novel, paying a particular attention to women and their roles in French society. Briefly observing Laclos’ essays L’Education des Femmes, this chapter further analyses female characters of Les Liaison Dangereuses and their relations with male characters, uncovering gender tensions of the eighteenth century and the negative results of social inequality. Chapter 6 conducts the summarisation of the received findings, and Chapter 7 reveals the limitations of the research and provides some suggestions for further analysis of Laclos’ novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚   3 Review of the literature Les Liaison Dangereuses has raised hot debates among various critics since the time of its publication. Earlier criticism regards this novel as one of the first feminist literary works, but as Suellen Diaconoff claims, â€Å"in the past ten or fifteen years the assessment of Choderlos de Laclos’ treatment of women has undergone significant revision†2. Some contemporary critics point at a misogynist context of the novel in addition to the emancipatory subtext, while other researchers consider that Les Liaison Dangereuses uncovers female weakness and male dominance. Such contradictory viewpoints reflect the ambiguous vision of women’s roles in Laclos’ narration, as the writer provides his female characters with the power to resist and the power to withdraw. According to Martin Turnell, Les Liaison Dangereuses â€Å"has been called the most impersonal novel in the French language and certainly the author is not to be found in it†3. The major criticism of the work in the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries regards its moral side; many critics considered Les Liaison Dangereuses to be a threat to readers, as the novel provided a new vision on the issue of virtue and was â€Å"morally dangerous or historically fanciful†4. Although Baudelaire praised Laclos’ epistolary novel, the spread of Romanticism depreciated this praising, regarding the work as a literary piece, where â€Å"reason and cold analysis triumph†5. However, by the middle of the nineteenth century the researchers began to take a particular interest in Les Liaison Dangereuses, analysing the writer’s realism and the characters’ psychology. In particular, Byrne points at a profound morality of the novel, claiming that the book provides â€Å"a ‘correct’ moral viewpoint which only a churl would find fault with†6. Other critics reveal pessimistic aspects in the described sentimentality of the eighteenth-century fiction, in particular, John Mullan considers that French novelists â€Å"were able to concede that habits of sociability were limited or exceptional, only just surviving in a world in which fellow-feeling was rare and malevolence prevailed†7. This is especially true in regard to Laclos who demonstrates these pessimistic aspects throughout the narration. Peter Conroy analyses a close connection between two males in Les Liaison Dangereuses, revealing that such bonding results in female d estruction, for instance, when Valmont provides Danceny with the letters to destroy Mme de Merteuil8. The researcher considers that male bonding reflects one of the crucial aspects of female oppression in French society. Thus, despite the novel’s criticism and rejection in the eighteenth century, Les Liaison Dangereuses is considered to be one of the most popular epistolary works. 4 Research methodology This dissertation applies to three theoretical research methods – a social constructionist approach, a discourse analytical approach and a feminist approach. With the help of these methods the paper investigates the discussed issue from various perspectives and provides valid explanation to the emancipatory subtext of Laclos’ novel Les Liaison Dangereuses. As an appropriate tool for investigation, the social constructionist approach regards people as the products of society that defines particular roles for them. In this regard, this approach is especially important for analysing the position of women in eighteenth-century French society and the reflection of this vision in a particular epistolary work. The discourse analytical approach provides an opportunity to discuss the emancipatory subtext of the novel in its close connection with social and political conditions of France. It allows to evaluate the consequences of the dominant position of males over females and to uncover the inequality of both genders before the French Revolution. The feminist approach reveals the impact of certain social stereotypes on the portrayal of females in French literature, exposing the negative consequences of these ideologies on women of the eighteenth century. This approach evaluates the roles and positions of women through the principal female characters of a literary work, simultaneously pointing at the differentiation between men and women.  Ã‚      5 Discussion 5.1. ‘L’Education des Femmes’ Before the publication of his epistolary novel Les Liaison Dangereuses, Laclos wrote three essays on female education that were compiled together under the name L’Education des Femmes. In the era of Enlightenment this issue became especially crucial in France and was of particular interest to Laclos. As Turnell puts it, Laclos â€Å"only discusses those feelings which interest other people as well as himself†9. In his essays Laclos depicts his own vision on the position of women in French society and the ways to improve their conditions. The ideas presented in L’Education des Femmes are implicitly reflected in Laclos’ novel, that’s why it is crucial to observe these essays for better understanding of the emancipatory subtext of Les Liaison Dangereuses. In the first essay the writer points at the fact that an advanced education won’t make the lives of women better, instead he claims that it is necessary to introduce social changes that will im prove a female position10. Laclos considers that women do not have enough freedom and are usually treated as slaves by males; they prefer to adhere to social standards rather than to oppose them. Although Laclos proclaims the necessity of freedom for women, he slightly transforms this viewpoint in the second and the third essays. In particular, he claims that a woman should be protected, but not liberated. Despite such ambiguous vision, L’Education des Femmes reveals the truth about the position of females in Laclos’ times and simultaneously uncovers the contradictions that emerged in France in that period. These contradictions were a direct result of the emerged liberty and the preservation of the older social stereotypes. On the one hand, Laclos rises against the limitation of female freedom, but, on the other hand, he doesn’t really reveal the ways to free a woman. Laclos reveals that in the struggle for dominance, men and women destroy each other: males treat females as their slaves, while women utilise their sexuality to prove their own superiority. As females are deprived of equality with men in social and political spheres, they start to manipulate males with the help of sex. According to Laclos, this constant sex war greatly depends on the ability of a woman to diversify sexual re lations. However, as Laclos demonstrates further, there is a danger that such manipulation will turn against women. Laclos implicitly shows that enslavement of women by men is inspired by this particular manipulation. As a woman starts to depend on her sexuality, she reduces herself to a position of a slave. Thus, though the writer criticises the dominance of French males over women in the eighteenth century, he doesn’t provide an actual proposal for changes that will improve female positions. The same approach is maintained by Laclos in his novel Les Liaison Dangereuses. 5.2. The emancipatory subtext of ‘Les Liaison Dangereuses’ In Les Liaison Dangereuses Pierre Choderlos de Laclos creates the characters that belong to the French aristocracy and that apply to cruelty and deceit to disgrace other people. Although this novel received unusual population after its publication in 1782, the writer was immediately criticised and rejected by the members of the upper class society. According to Turnell, â€Å"The Liaisons was read by everyone and discussed in all the salons, but the people who read him with most passion shut their doors in his face†11. Such attitude can be explained by the fact that Laclos reveals the truth about French aristocracy, the truth that people could no longer avoid. On the example of such characters as Cà ©cile de Volanges and Mme de Volanges the writer demonstrates the negative consequences of poor female education and the superior position of men over women. On the other hand, introducing such female characters as the Marquise de Merteuil and the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel, Laclos simultaneously implements the emancipatory subtext into his narration. Throughout the novel Mme de Merteuil tries to achieve a dominant position over other people, including the Vicomte de Valmont, her former lover. Discussing the relations between Mme de Merteuil and Valmont, Turnell claims that â€Å"they are both so determined to dominate, so impatient of any restraint, that Mme de Merteuil cannot make up her mind to return permanently to Valmont†12. It is this female character that involves Valmont into her intrigues and further induces his death. Mme de Merteuil’s wit and determination make her superior to men. Since the very beginning Mme de Merteu il makes constant attempts to manipulate Valmont. As a result, Laclos’ epistolary work dispels a prolonged illusion created by the majority of French novels that were primarily â€Å"a smoke-screen that concealed the exploits of the aristocracy from the rest of the world†13. Characterising his characters through their letters, the writer uncovers the inner degradation of aristocracy before the French Revolution. As Emile Dard puts it, â€Å"people recognised their portraits in them and the likeness was so good that they could not turn their horrified gaze from this new image of themselves†14. According to the discourse analytical approach, it is possible to evaluate people through their expressed ideas15, thus Laclos applies to the characters’ letters to uncover people’s essence and reveal his own vision on both males and females. According to Laclos, a French woman is greatly controlled by a social machine that allows men to take possession over women. As Turnell states, â€Å"The role of the female is to be ‘defeated’ by the predatory male†¦ Yet the defeated woman is not so much victim as an accomplice†16. In other words, as a woman marries a man and is defeated by him, she becomes a part of him, because â €Å"the engagement does not end in ‘victory’ for one party and ‘defeat’ for the other. It is a combination of the two, victory-and-defeat†17. However, in the case of Mme de Merteuil, the situation is quite different, because this female character is not â€Å"restrained by any inhibition, by any feeling of guilt or shame†18. Letter 81 reveals Mme de Merteuil’s personal explanation of her behaviour and actions. In particular, Mme de Merteuil points out that she greatly differs from other females of her social class, as she possesses strong principles that are not based on some established rules, but instead are created by her in the process of deep reflection. Even the first sexual intercourse of this character with her husband is regarded by her as the possibility to experience both pain and pleasure, to explore something new and utilise new experience for her own benefits. In this letter Mme de Merteuil puts herself in a superior position over others, even over politicians, and reveals that she is able to get pleasure from various things, not only from love. On the contrary, she eliminates love, because it p revents her from intrigues. As the feminist approach reveals, such behaviour of a woman is understandable, because under constant social oppression from the side of men, some females begin to act similar to men, acquiring male features and rejecting excessive emotionality19. In this regard, Laclos’ novel differs from the novels of the seventeenth century, as Turnell puts it, â€Å"there is no interior conflict in the minds of Laclos’ two principal characters because the elements of conflict – love as well as duty – have been removed†20. Instead, the writer introduces an exterior conflict between Mme de Merteuil and the Vicomte de Valmont, that is, the conflict between a male and female that uncovers the emancipatory subtext of the narration. Demonstrating the relations between two opposite sexes, Laclos reveals not the tensions between individuals, but the conflicts that emerge when old stereotypes collide with the attempts to oppose to this social system. Laclos divides his characters into two parties: on the one side, there are Mme de Volanges and Cà ©cile de Volanges with their traditional moral values, but, on the other side, there are Valmont and Mme de Merteuil who oppose to any conventions and involve other peop le into their intrigues. On the basis of this division Laclos reflects three kinds of relations. Mme de Merteuil and Valmont are engaged in the relations that are characteristic for the eighteenth century, that is, they eliminate any emotions, proving that sexual pleasure doesn’t depend on desires and feelings. The relations between the Chevalier de Dancery and Cà ©cile de Volanges are of different nature, they are based on sentimental emotions. The relations between Mme de Merteuil and Dancery, Valmont and Cà ©cile, Valmont and the Prà ©sidente reflect the wish of Valmont and Mme de Merteuil to take revenge on their enemies, but, on the other hand, they reflect their desire â€Å"to get at conventional morality†21. They involve such young and naà ¯ve girl as Cà ©cile into their intrigues, fully ignoring the feelings of this female. Cà ©cile who is regarded as a child by everyone around her feels uncertainty and fear, when she starts to interact with other members of society. She is a beautiful female, but she lacks both intellect and free will, and her princ iples reflect the social norms that existed in France in the eighteenth century. Thus, Cà ©cile de Volanges is a stereotypic female, a product of French society that regards her as a toy; such characters may be easily involved in any intrigues and be destroyed. As Cà ©cile claims to her friend, â€Å"What made me most uneasy was that I did not know what they thought about me. I think I heard two or three times the word ‘pretty’, but I very distinctly heard ‘awkward’22. According to the feminist approach, such behaviour of a woman is a direct result of female subjugation that develops weakness and excessive emotionality in her23. As a result of this constant subordination, Cà ©cile greatly depends on social opinion, but Mme de Merteuil doesn’t want to understand the weakness of Cà ©cile, instead she utilises this naivety for her own benefits. The same regards Mme de Volanges, a mother of Cecile; pretending to be her close friend, Mme de Merteuil assigns a certain role for Mme de Volanges. But, adhering to traditional morality, Mme de Volanges decides to tell the truth about Valmont to the Prà ©sidente, thus â€Å"play[ing] the Male game in leading the anti-Merteuil party†24. But Laclos reveals that new morality of Mme de Merteuil is based on evil and thus, results in many negative consequences. Substituting one morality for another, Mme de Merteuil wants to prove her freedom and her superiority over other people. However, in this sex battle Mme de Merteuil destroys herself. Although this female character manages to convey her emancipatory behaviour, Laclos shows that wrong upbringing and poor education of Mme de Merteuil deprive her of the possibility to utilise her intelligence for better things than revenge. On the other hand, the writer introduces such female characters as Mme de Rosamonde and the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel who embody true virtue in contrast to both traditional virtue and the virtue of Mme de Merteuil. As a result, Mme de Merteuil realises that these female characters, especially the Prà ©sidente, are dangerous for her. The Prà ©sidente is not only a sincere woman, but she also has a great impact on Valmont, making him â€Å"forget his famous principles†25. Mme de Merteuil understands that the Prà ©sidente is a threat to her relations with Valmont and her intrigues, thus she makes Valmont eliminate this female, simultaneously eliminating true virtue. Mme de Merteui l exceeds Valmont and other characters of the narration, because she possesses powerful intelligence and inexorability. She stresses on the fact that by the time she was fifteen, she had more talents than any politician; such viewpoint is â€Å"the measure of her powers and of her tragedy†26. Contrary to Mme de Merteuil, Valmont embodies a weakness, because he possesses sentimentality that brings him to destruction. The eighteenth-century was preoccupied with the principles of rationalism that rejected any display of sentimentality. Mme de Merteuil manages to get rid of this sentimental shortcoming, while Valmont preserves it, although he doesn’t want to admit this truth. As a result, Mme de Merteuil constantly criticises Valmont, considering that the opposite sex has no virtues and abilities. Mme de Merteuil is superior to Valmont, because she has an unusual gift for understanding inner worlds of other people, while Valmont’s ‘principles’ do not allow him to develop a deep insight of the world and people around him. Mme de Merteuil and Valmont are engaged in the struggle against each other, reflecting their desires to achieve dominance. In this struggle love and hatred coexist together, revealing the essence of relations between men and women i n eighteenth century France. When Mme de Merteuil involves Valmont into her intrigues and makes him establish relations with other women, she still wants to possess Valmont; she doesn’t want to admit that another female may substitute her. As Fellows and Razack puts it, â€Å"Women challenged about their domination by calling attention to their own subordination†¦ If a woman is subordinate herself, she cannot then be implicated in the subordination of others†27. However, this is not the case with Mme de Merteuil who rejects subordination of men over her, but is involved in subordination of both males and females. Comparing herself with Dalila, Mme de Merteuil reveals that as â€Å"for the man each conquest is a victory for his sex; for the woman it is equally a victory for hers, because in allowing herself to be seduced, she dominates the male and deprives him of his strength†28. Mme de Merteuil considers that in the process of seduction both sexes achieve victory, but males fail to rea lise that women change them into slaves. Such female viewpoint reflects the core of the emancipatory subtext of the novel, but simultaneously it uncovers the conflict between sexes. According to Jean Giraudoux, â€Å"the battle begins the moment that each sex regards the other as its accomplice†29. As Valmont starts to compare Mme de Merteuil with other females, with the whole female sex, she starts to experience hatred and anger towards her former lover, aggravating the tensions between them. Valmont’s death is the end of this sex battle, and, by killing Valmont, the representative of the male sex, Laclos reveals females’ superiority, proving that a woman may be more intelligent than a man. On the other hand, the writer reduces Mme de Merteuil’s victory by depriving this female character of all things that are valuable to her, especially appearance and reputation. Such failure can be explained by the fact that, despite her intelligence and power, Mme de Merteuil remains a weak woman because of her jealousy and wish to dominate over other members of society. This character doesn’t want to accept the victory of the opposite sex, because in this case she will be forced to admit her own weakness. But in her pursuit to prove her superior position, Mme de Merteuil destroys not only her lover, but she also ruins her own life. According to Turnell, â€Å"Laclos’ theme is the tragedy of the Rational Man, the man who was carefully conditioned through the removal of all moral scruples and the sense of guilt†30. This is true in regard to Mme de Merteuil who maintains the principles of rational thinking and eliminates any display of sentimentality from her relations with people in order to prove her own superiority over others. However, she masterfully utilises her own sexuality to manipulate men and make them act as she wishes. According to the social constructionist approach, such sexual behaviour of a woman is developed by society, in which she lives; it is not an inherent feature, but rather a direct consequence of social pressure31. Laclos doesn’t state that a female is unable to experience pleasure; on the contrary, the writer reveals female ability for sexual desires. He presents a woman as an active partner in sexual relations, but he also considers that sexuality may destroy a woma n, if she allows sexuality to take control over her life and interfere with love, as is just the case with Mme de Tourvel. As for Mme de Merteuil, her sexuality also destroys her, because she hopes to prove her superiority with the help of sex, but finally she appears to be trapped in self-delusion. Mme de Merteuil’s attempt to achieve an equal position with males is rather courageous and feminist, but she chooses a wrong approach for attaining her goal. This female character rises against individual people, failing to realise that it is the existing social system that should be transformed. Destroying some persons, Mme de Merteuil doesn’t eliminate the system that puts women into inferior positions. On the other hand, Laclos reveals that Mme de Merteuil is a true libertine. She fails to succeed at the end of the narration, but her way of life demonstrates the greatness of this female. She lives in patriarchal world, where women are prohibited any freedom, but she manages to overcome these stereotypes and act in accordance with her desires. Mme de Merteuil ignores morality of French society , creating her own morality and trying to eliminate all powerful emotions. She experiences pleasure when she demonstrates her superiority over others and she easily manipulates men with the help of her sexuality and intelligence. Such behaviour is unusual for a woman of the eighteenth century, but, creating such female character as Mme de Merteuil, Laclos wants to prove that in reality there is no difference between a man and a woman. In fact, Mme de Merteuil is similar to Valmont, and even superior to him, as the writer reveals in the denouement. Valmont might achieve success in politics or in any other field, but instead he is involved in intrigues. In his relations with women Valmont plays a role of a noble man, deceiving both Cà ©cile de Volanges, when he claims that â€Å"I detest everything that savours of deception: that, in brief, is my character†32, and the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel, when he asks her â€Å"who was ever more respectful and more submissive than I?†33 In his relations with the Prà ©sidente he seeks to subjugate her and destroy her true virtues. Valmont feels admiration for this female and he considers her as â€Å"the enemy worthy of me†34. But, similar to Mme de M erteuil, the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel appears superior to Valmont. His seduction of the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel gradually is transformed into love, because he is strongly affected by her kind heart. As Valmont claims, â€Å"I left her arms only to fall at her feet and swear eternal love; and to tell the whole truth, I meant what I said†35. Valmont falls in love for the first time, but Mme de Merteuil makes him destroy the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel. When Valmont makes an attempt to return her, Mme de Merteuil forbids him to do so, stating that â€Å"It would suit you very well to take the credit for breaking with her without loosing the pleasure of enjoying her†36. These words reveal the negative aspect of Libertinage; although Valmont rises against social morality, society continues to influence him and shape his behaviour. Maintaining the principles of Libertinage, he is not able to act against these principles, thus Valmont’s freedom appears to be a delusion, because he simply changes one rules for other norms. The same regards the principal female character of the novel Mme de Merteuil who is also trapped in her principles and new morality that finally bring her to destruction. Despite their close relations with each other, Mme de Merteuil prefers to destroy Valmont and his love to the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel, and Valmont destroys Mme de Merteuil as a revenge. In this regard, Laclos creates two powerful female characters in his novel Mme de Merteuil and the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel, through which he uncovers his emancipatory subtext; however, the writer, drawing a parallel between these women, reveals their differences. Mme de Merteuil is a woman who uses her sexuality and intelligence to transform men into â€Å"the toy of my caprices, or my fantasies†37, as she claims in Letter 81. Mme de Merteuil directs her principles and education towards the only purpose to â€Å"avenge my sex and to dominate yours†38. Love can’t bring happiness to this woman, as she deprives herself of any emotions. Mme de Merteuil mocks at those females â€Å"who cannot see their future enemy in their present lover†39, reducing the relations between a male and woman to a simple sex battle. As Mme de Merteuil considers herself superior to others, she doesn’t admit any equality between two opposite sexes, that’s why she clai ms that â€Å"no one should be further from my confidence than my husband†40. She doesn’t want to love a man, instead she wants to control him. Mme de Merteuil deprives herself of any passion and she believes that such ability to suppress powerful feelings makes her better than other women. But Laclos reveals that such viewpoint is wrong by contrasting Mme de Merteuil with the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel who possesses those virtues that Mme de Merteuil lacks. From the beginning of Valmont’s relations with the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel, she realises that this woman has something that allows her to attract men, and thus Mme de Merteuil tries to depreciate the virtues of the Prà ©sidente de Tourvel. Mme de Merteuil calls her â€Å"a poor creature†41 that is obsessed with her religion. However, Mme